Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Very Special Donkey-Palm Sunday

Looking for a different angle to share the Palm Sunday story with your kids?  We often tell the Palm Sunday story from the perspective of the crowd or Jesus or perhaps even the disciples...but what about the donkey?

There is a great children's book called Duncan Carries a King: A Donkey's Tale by Dan Taylor.  In this story Duncan notices that all his other animal friends have important jobs like carrying water and grinding grain while he has no important job.  Duncan begins to feel that he is useless until Jesus send his disciples on a special mission.  Jesus tells the disciples to find a special donkey that he has chosen to carry him into the city.  Through his journey with Jesus into Jerusalem, Duncan realizes God has a special job for him too.  The author has even offered a page at the end with some points of discussion for parents!

After the story, there are several fun craft options to go with the story.  You can make your very own donkey puppet with a paper bag and the template found here.  Another fun donkey craft using a paper bag and leftover felt and yarn scraps can be found here.  

Finally if you are feeling really ambitious you can make your own pin the tail on the donkey board and see who can get closest to pinning Duncan's tail on!  

Enjoy this unique take on the Palm Sunday story!