Friday, June 29, 2012

Today is the Day!

One's a phrase I (and I suspect many others) say frequently.  One day when I finish school...One day when things at work slow down...One day when I have more time...One day when the house is paid for...One day when I have had time to research...One day when I learn how...One day...One day...One day...

In many ways I feel like this becomes the mantra of my life.  However, I want to claim that today is the day!  Not the day I will do everything I have ever put off, but the day I begin to live in the here and now.  The day I change my priorities to make time for what matters most to me.

Over the last few days I have begun to start some of those projects I have put off for various reasons over the years.  I am making it a point to turn off the tv, shut down the computer and live my life intentionally.  It is time to make a change and the change begins today...not one day!

Consider today the One Days in your life.  Are there promises you have made yourself...your kids...your family?  Even if it is just one small step...make today the day that One Day ends!