Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Butterfly Circus-An Easter Family Movie

Consumer culture has taught children and adults to equate Easter with bunnies and eggs (which ironically bunnies don't even lay!).  While egg laying bunnies are a very poor Easter symbol, there is a creature that is a wonderful symbol of Easter, new life and the Resurrection.  As you may have already guessed, that animal is...

the Butterfly

The butterfly is a unique creature that begins its life utterly different and less magnificent than it will ultimately become.  In the first stage of it's life, a butterfly lives as a caterpillar who crawls along the ground, eats leaves and has a unique beauty, but arguably less magnificent than the butterfly's beauty.  

The butterfly then enters the chrysalis stage in which is becomes enclosed in a cocoon where it spends anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months.  This is perhaps the most interesting stage of a butterfly's life cycle because of the vast amount of change the butterfly undergoes.  It is the least beautiful stage of a butterfly's life, but the most important changes happen here.  

Finally, at the end of the metamorphosis the butterfly emerges as the perfect completion of all that it was designed to be.  The long process of metamorphosis allows the butterfly to accomplishe things that never would have been possible flying!

I hope you will humor my brief butterfly lesson (I guess it is the teacher in me) and consider the important ways the butterfly becomes a Resurrection symbol.  For Christ specifically the apparent death or the butterfly in the Chrysalis mirrors the three days Jesus was in the tomb.  The reappearance/rebirth of the butterfly, mirrors Christ's resurrection on Easter Sunday in the glorious power of new life! 

However, what I think is more important about the butterfly is not how it a symbol for Christ, but how it is a symbol for each one of us!  Easter is not simply about the fact that Christ is risen, but a celebration that because of Christ's victory over sin, evil and death WE TOO are raised to new life.  Like the butterfly we are transformed!  Just as the caterpillar is destined for something greater, we too have been created by God with a greater purpose.  God is calling us to embrace the transformation and new life that Christ offers in his life, death and Resurrection!

To be Easter people means to be like the butterfly...always in the process of becoming who God designed us to be.  Always changing, always growing, always on the journey of transformation.    

I saw a wonderful short film last year called The Butterfly Circus that offers a beautiful picture of the transformation God desires to create in us.  This 20 minute film offers a picture of how beautifully God has designed us and the wonderful hope we have as the children of God.  

As a part of your Easter festivities, set aside 30 minutes to watch The Butterfly Circus as a family.  The film can be viewed online at the link above.  After you finish the film discuss these questions:  Why is the circus called the Butterfly Circus?  What does this movie teach us about God?  What does this movie teach us about people?  What are ways that God wants to change us or make us more like him?  How can we celebrate Easter all year and not just on Easter Sunday?

Tune in tomorrow for some additional Easter butterfly activities!  

**Disclaimer for parents of young children: This is a wonderful movie, but does have some content that young children may find frightening (i.e. the main character is a handicapped many with no arms and legs).  I would encourage you to watch the film first and decide what your child will be comfortable watching.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad we live in a society that needs disclaimers. Your post is beautiful. Perhaps a child may react negatively to a person that does not meet our expectations of having arms/legs. But most children are just curious. In fact in the schools often physically challenged children are doted on by other children. Reactions are sometimes learned behaviors. I have shown this film to many children and only one child seemed a little uneasy and asked copious questions about the main character. Thank you for your beautiful post.
